Wednesday, March 23, 2011

^^ Goodness of Yoga ^^

Huhuhuhu... sebel dey hari ini gak jadi ke Yoga, one of my anger managament activities. I believe it can relieve my anxiety, bad mood, and any other negative mood. Gara-garanya hanya karena ruangan yang biasa kita pake masih dipake rapat.. sebel dey.. padahal kan kita udah punya izin untuk pake ruangan itu. Yasudlah untuk hari ini diganti treadmill aja dulu.

Iam so in love with Yoga.. I just think that Yoga can give me some serenity and calmness. Though it is difficult to do at the first time.. My tummy always had some kind of trembling everytime "Suryanamaska" pose comes in turn. But after practicing Yoga several times, my muscle began to like the stretching time. the more oxygen you inhale, the more strecthable your muscle will be.

Based on some Yoga master testimony, Yoga has some goodness we can take, they are:
1. great to relieve stress, worry, anger, or anxiety => caused by the calm music and moves
2. helps to improve body posture and flexibility => caused by Yoga need you to maximize every strecth, as best as you can..
3.improves blood flow and prevent heart disease => caused by the slow flow of the moves but powerful
4.strengthen your joints => also caused by the strecth
5.can also help you to lose weight => but it is not the best fat burner activities

Dari sekian banyak benefit diatas, I absolutely agree. Dan menurut Yoga masterku di kantor, "Mb Yana yang sangat cantik dan langsing itu", hal yang terpenting dari Yoga adalah oksigen. Semakin banyak oksigen yang kita hirup, semakin bisa otot kita merenggang. Some points I always remember when I have my Yoga class:

1. Inhale the oxygen as much as you can
2. Do not put any load to you shoulder
3. Let your backbone stand tall and be the cructh
4. Maximize your stretch, as best as you can
5. and relax your mind.

Ihiyyyyy jadi berasa yoga sendiri aq.. meditasi aja ah... Mandi air hangat trus duduk bersila sebentar dey :)

Oiya.. gerakan sholat juga salah satu bentuk Yoga lho bagi kaum muslim. So, sholatnya jangan cepet2 yah.. lakukan gerakan dengan benar...

So.. see ya another time

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